Tasmanian Wolf and Taipei 101

Tasmanian Wolf : Extinct in 1936  

Taipei 101 : 508m, Taipei, Taiwan  




Tasmanian Wolf and Taipei 101_76x57cm_watercolor on paper_2014



The Tasmanian wolf was the largest known carnivore on Tasmania, and it lived nowhere else. It is commonly known as Tasmanian tiger because it had fifteen to twenty dark strips from the back to the end of the tail. The Tasmanian wolf lived for a long time on Tasmania, which had become separated from the Australian mainland about 14,000 years ago due to rising sea levels, but it went extinct only 140 years after British settlement of Tasmania began. Slaughter, loss of habitats, competition over food sources with dogs brought by settlers, and exposure to new diseases from livestock were all factors in the extinction of the Tasmanian wolf. The last Tasmanian wolf in the wild was shot to death in the 1930s, and a mother Tasmanian wolf and pup kept at the Hobart Zoo were the last Tasmanian wolves to ever survive on earth. On September 7, 1936, the last Tasmanian wolf died at the Hobart Zoo. Regretfully, the Tasmanian Wolf Protection Act was introduced only that same year.